Monday, December 8, 2008

Ms. Kay, Do You Believe in Santa Claus?

Mason: "Ms Kay, do you like Christmas?"
Me: "Of course I do Mason, doesn't everyone?"
Mason: "No some people don't like it at all."
Mason: "Do you believe in Santa Claus?"
Me: "Yes, I do. After all, Santa Claus is the Spirit of Giving."
Mason: "He's not real you know. He is just a made up man."
Me: "Do you get presents from Santa on Christmas?"
Mason: "No."
Me: "That's because you don't believe in him."

It is Christmas and with that should come awe and anticipation. Awe at the miracle of the birth of Jesus Christ, His death and victory over death at His resurrection and anticipation of His coming again and eternal life in Heaven! What an amazing, miraculous, awe-filled reality! And it is ours! That is what Christmas is all about.

I am in agreement with some who have written about the too soon arrival of all of the decorations in the stores and how the season has been so commercialized that it sickens them. And I too feel the press of so many places to be and the impossibility of accepting all the invitations of well meaning friends and church members.

But when I really think about it....many who mean the most to me....My Savior, My Husband, My Daughter, and My Son....were all born in December! What a time for celebration!

When I was growing up, presents were secondary. Spending time with family and friends was what made Christmas so enjoyable. And while gifts are nice, in today's world there is little that any of us want that we can't or don't buy for ourselves. So, please don't put a financial burden on yourself. My Moma used to say, "All I want is for my family to be together." I am in complete agreement with her!

I miss being able to drive for a couple of hours for a visit. For that matter, I miss having the time to drive any distance to visit at all! I just miss being with my family. I miss my grandbabies and their hugs and kisses! I even miss my granddogs! I'm with Alvin the Chipmunk....please Christmas don't delay!

This picture pretty much says it all. This is what it is all about....Grandpa with all the grandchildren ( Baby J is behind the camera!)

When I think of Christmas, I see the wonder and sparkle of awe and anticipation in their eyes!

Do I believe in Santa? You bet I do! After all He is the Spirit of Giving. And although God was the Giver, Jesus was the greatest Gift ever given on Christmas.

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Smile! You're on Candid Camera!

I went to a women's conference at our church today. It was really good. As always...before I go I have this dread that goes through me...selfishness on my part actually, that tells me this is intruding on my time and I don't want to go. But, as always I go and come away glad that I did...because it is always good and worthwhile. I always learn something and it is a blessing. When Lizardbreath and Rock lived with us she would say. "Oh Mom, just suck it up. You know you always enjoy it. Just go and quit being so negative!" Can you imagine her talking to me like that!!!! Well, this morning, last night actually, as I began with the dread (especially now that I am working again and Saturday is my only day off) her words rang in my head! They haven't lived with us for several years now and I can still hear her saying that to me. But then I guess turn about is fair play...both of my children tell me they often hear me saying things to them.

But that is not the point.

As we were waiting in line for the restroom, which is common at women's conferences, we began to talk about how we could go to the men's restroom. But there were a few men there so we dared not. Well, of course that led to stories of when women did dare, out of desperation, go to the men's restroom....and it reminded me of something that happened to me a few months ago.

I was in Kohl's shopping when the urge hit me. I went back to the customer service area where the restrooms are located and the men's and women's restrooms are directly across from each other. Well, I looked to the left and saw the sign for the women's restroom and turned right and went into the restroom. Yep, your read correctly...I said "I looked to the left at the women's restroom and turned "right" and went into the restroom. Well, there I sat minding my own business when in comes someone. HE clears HIS throat and I froze! There I sat, undies at my knees and praying he would not notice my shoes under the stall. To make it worse I was in the first stall right next to the urinals! Which....No, I did NOT see when I came in! I could hear him doing his business and had thoughts of racehorses running through my head! OH MY! What if he does see my shoes?!... or worse yet...sees ME through the crack where the door never quite meets the privacy walls. OR....OK, just quit thinking and figure out how you are going to get out of here without being seen...if he ever does goodness, he must have had a whole pitcher of tea for lunch! FINALLY... he leaves and now to get out without being seen. But how is that possible! This bathroom is right there by customer service. The counter actually goes around the corner and the people who work behind it face the bathrooms! And what if when I am coming out of the men's bathroom a woman is coming out of the women's restroom. Well, quit stalling for pete's sake (no pun intended) before another man comes into the bathroom....what a terrible thought! That thought took me fairly running out the door and into the space between the two bathrooms hoping that if anyone did see me they would think I was coming out of the women's bathroom and not the men's! Made it! And what do you know....not a soul noticed me at all.

With heart pounding wildly, redfaced, but relieved (again, no pun intended)....I took a deep breath and walked off like nothing had happened.

I wonder if that man did see my shoes and was waiting somewhere just out of sight watching to see what I did when I came out?

Come to think of would have made a great Candid Camera or America's Funniest Home Video clip! Oh no! What if my coming out was caught on a security camera! I just now thought of that!

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Where Oh Where Has My Grandma Gone!

OK, I admit it. I have been out of the loop for awhile now. The Busy Bee even accused me of falling into a black hole. Well, not quite...I just went to work. Now for some people that is a simplistic statement, but for me it was like having my first job...all over again. I am truly enjoying it now that I kind of have the swing of it. I mean...I am getting used to being trained for a different job everyday now. I just feel sorry for my poor supervising trainer who has to put up with my blank looks and endless questions. Then there are the never-ending questions I have to ask to clarify that what she said is what she really means. And since I work remotely from one office through another about 20 miles away voice expression is non-existent over IM and availability is not always possible. This week I spent two days in Tulsa working at the main office simply because my supervisor is overwhelmed with her load of work. She was overwhelmed to begin with....that is why they hired me in the first help her. But since I started work in September two people in the main office have taken positions elsewhere and now her workload has increased by another 100%. That, plus this is the beginning of tax season and our office is responsible for getting this 200 store multi-million dollar business ready for season. Sooooo......I have been a little busy.

I got a call from one of my grandsons the other night. His papa said he had been saying he really missed Grandma and wanted to visit. He called and talked and it did me good...I hope it did him. I miss all my grandchildren....and my children terribly right now. I will be glad when the holidays get here so crunch time will be over for me and I can visit with my family.

I asked him how he liked his new house and his answer was this. "Well, actually, since we have already moved in...I guess I might as well." I could just see those big green eyes and blond curls, that earnest look on his little angel face while he was talking. Then the Lil' Spitfire got on and talked ninety to nothing, loud and long and was gone as quickly as he had come.

So the answer to the question is this. Grandma went work...but I am always only a phone call away...oh and by the way....I just got a new cell phone! And by the way's pink!

Sunday, November 2, 2008


Hey Everybody,

I haven't blogged in awhile. Working just kind of drains it out of me. When I get home all I want to do is veg! Which is probably just the opposite of what I should be doing since I sit in front of a computer all day....ANYWAY! Just want to encourage you to get out and vote on Tuesday. This is a big election with many moral and spiritual ramifications as well as political outcomes. Get on your face before the Lord and ask for His wisdom in voting for the candidate of His choice.

Ultimately, who God has for President of the United States will be president. His ways are not ours. He may permit someone to be president that will cause us to think better of the freedoms we often take for granted. He is sovereign and if the candidate we wanted does not get elected...He will still be on His throne and in control.

To be perfectly honest....I think it is scary.....I am most thankful I belong to the Family of God and have read His Word to know the FINAL outcome!

Now get out there and vote!

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Thankful for My Family

Like Lizardbreath, I have been reading the book Respectable Sins by Jerry Bridges. Studying it actually....I don't recommend it if you don't want to be convicted of those sins that society says are not sin at all and we have convinced ourselves are not really that bad. And I have not been as diligent with my study as I usually am due to less time with eturning to work. But this morning, for the first time in a long time, I did not have to be somewhere. Thor was preaching a funeral, our boarders are in OKC for Fall Break (except Bro. Mike, he hurt his leg yesterday playing paintball and has been hold up in his room all day...or perhaps he is just enjoying the not having to do something as well), anyway, I took this opportunity and quiet to catch up on my reading and study.

Among other things, one of the things with which I was confronted this morning is my lack of thankfulness. Today, this hit home really hard. You see as I began to reflect on what I had read and while doing some soul searching I thought about yesterday.

Yesterday my day started with a call from someone with crisis in the family. The call was for prayer and counsel. After an hour or so on the phone (pretty tricky getting ready and driving to work) I prayed that the Lord would give them wisdom and guidance in this time of crisis and decision. At noon I had lunch with a friend who is in crisis with her family. I could feel her pain and sorrow through her words and see the tears shining in her eyes. She just needed someone to listen and know that I would pray for her. After work I went to the hospitol to see my little niece who has Cystic Fibrosis. Maesa is three, the same age as the Warrior, but not expected to live past the age of nine due to her illness. My sister-in-law was there, but Seaweed was not. He had been to the VA hospitol in Muskogee the day before because of pain in his hip, leg and foot. By the time they finished with the exam they were not as concerned about the hip, leg and foot as they were the blood in his urine. Perhaps bladder infection or kidney infection or stones.

And I could probably go on, but the point is this. In my study today he talked about the 10 leapors who had been healed, but only one of them returned to thank the Lord for his healing. Unthankfulness is an afront to God. After all He gives us each breath we take, made us everything that we are, and provides for us everything we have. We should be thankful to him. Not only that, but we are to be thankful for the things in our lives that do not turn out the way we want. These things He has allowed to sanctify us and improve our make us more Christlike.

As I continued to think about each of the circumstances in the lives of all of these people I have often said, people go to a lot of trouble to get their lives in the mess they are in....but the reality of it is this.....But for the grace of could be me. I truly never want to forget that.

All that I am and all that I have is a wonderful gift from God. So...

Thank you God for the family you gave me. Parents who taught me of your love and showed me through example how to serve and honor you with my life. Thank you for siblings that love me and a wonderful relationship with them and their families.

Thank You for the husband that You gave me. For his love and service to you. Thank you that he loves me and provides well for me. Thank you that he treats me like a lady, tells me he loves me, tells me how pretty I am, and would die for me if necessary.

Thank you for in-laws that reared my husband and taught him about You and showed through example how to love and serve You. Thank you for teaching him how to be a man and love his family. Thank you that they consider me their daughter as if I were their own.

Thank you for his siblings that love us and give us love and respect. Thank you for those who are saved and serve you. And I pray that you would save those who do not.

Thank you for my children. Lord, they are a blessing to me and my life. They both love the Lord with all their heart and serve Him faithfully.

Thank you for my children's spouses. Thank you that they love You and serve you. Thank you for the relationship I have with them. I love them as if they were my own.

Thank you for six beautiful and healthy grandchildren. Thank you that at least three of them have already displayed an interest in "knowing" You. I pray Lord that "ALL" of my grandchildren will one day be revealed as members of Your family and serve you faithfully and consistently.

Thank you Lord even for my two little dogs, Sophie and Sadie as well as my granddogs, Maya and Roxie. They give us so much pleasure and display unconditional love to us all the time.

Thank You for the home you have provided, the cars you have provided, and the jobs you have provided. Help me always to be a good steward of these many and wonderous gifts You have given me. And thank You Lord for good health for Thor and myself. Help us to be content with what you have given us.

You are so very good to us Lord. You have been so good to us. So faithful to us, even when we are not to You. Forgive me Lord for the sin of unthankfulness, for I have much for which to be thankful. I am not deserving and yet you give to show Your love for me. Thank You Lord!

And Lord, for those things that are not what I want....

For the family in crisis that is in danger of being torn apart because of sin in their lives. That have put the futures of their children in jeopardy...Lord, I pray that you would save them. Help them to realize their need for You. And Lord whatever Your will is for their lives, I pray that You would give clear guidance and wisdom. Protect the children Lord and save them to serve and honor you. Whatever our part is to be in this situation Lord, help us to do what is right and pleasing to You.

For my friend Lord, I pray that you would give her comfort. Lord lift up her head. I know that she loves and serves you Lord, but right now she needs reassurance. Lord, help her children realize the hurt they are causing their parents. If they are lost Lord, save them. Be with the grandchildren Lord, protect them from harm and save them to serve You.

For Seaweed I pray for healing. I pray that his condition reveals something minor and short term.

And for Maesa Lord, heal her little body, that is my selfish prayer. When I look at those
big brown eyes and brown curly hair, that smile that lights up a is difficult to think about and even harder to realize that she is as ill as she is. She seems to be a typical little three-year old girl who laughs, plays with baby dolls, and likes to have her hair put up in dog-ears. Oh Lord, intervene and heal this little girl I pray. But Lord, if it is not Your will to do so, I pray that you would prepare each of us for the days ahead and enjoy her while she is with us.

And Lord, while I miss my family terribly right now. Thank you that I have a family to miss. And thank you for cell phones and computers that help us to keep in touch when we cannot be there in person.

I love and miss you all.....and I am thankful for all of you.

Thank you God!

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Renegade Review

OK, so I went to the Renegade Review with Reba last night. And today....well, after sitting for five hours on hard bleachers with no back, I am a might stiff and sore. But that is not the point.

As I watched all of the top bands for this particular contest I was mildly entertained. But mostly I was longing for the good old days of military marching. You know, way back when bands marched with precision in straight lines and the spectators could tell what was happening on the field. Back in the good old days when the band was what the people watched and not the flags. And no wonder they watch the flags, I mean, never mind the fact that they are dressed in wild costumes which have nothing at all to do with the music the band is playing, never mind the fact that what they do does not even remotely resemble anything to do with marching... and now, nothing to do with flags or even rifles....more dancing and gymnastics, and never mind they seem to be from a galaxy far far away, at least they capture your attention. At this particular contest, the music was....well, not even enjoyable listening, except I still don't know how they made their instruments sound like organs....oh, maybe that was from the pit. And don't even get me started on the pit. You know, the place in front of the marching band, on the sideline. They don't march either, but they do offer something else to watch instead of the band. And when the band I came to watch, because it is the school band that my children used to march in.....back in the good old days when this school did military marching and the people when wild with excitement when they finished and loved it and begged for more! When that band took the was more of the same.

Now, my children tell me that there is some value to the current style of marching and band presentation. And perhaps there is, I don't know. I just know what I like when I go see a band march. I want to see precision and not be able to keep my own feet still from the beat of the drums, recognize the sounds that come from the insturments and if they have flags...have them be the secondary show that compliments the band and not upstage it. I want a marching band to look like a marching band and not actors from Star Trek and I want to hear music that I can't get out of my head.

After the band I came to watch finished I was ready to go home. "How many more bands are there anyway/", I asked Reba. Four. The next band up was from Kickapoo High School in Springfield, KS. The show was named something about sleepy time. Huh, pretty good sized band. Pretty good marching, hey look, the flags compliment the show, and did I hear, "Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star" in there? LOOK! They made a star! WOW! A star! When they finished, the crowd stood to their feet. They loved it!

A woman came down from above to talk with me. She was the mother of another "former" band member. One who had marched with my children. Her words to me were. "Did you see that star? Is it just me, or do you miss the old style of marching too?!" No, it is not just her.

When the awards were handed out, it was just as I expected. The band I came to see took first place! They always do. But, right there, right behind them....with the award for overall technical effects....was the Kickapoo band in second place....only .20 behind 1st place. And the crowd literally gasped!

I wonder what would happen, if someone was brave enough to do a full military marching show!
I know I would love it and go wild with excitement!

I think I will go find that tape with the show my children did when they were in the band.

Saturday, September 27, 2008

Too Busy to Blog!

Okay, this is what I don't like about working. It is not the work, that has been somewhat challenging because I am having to learn Excell and everything else pertaining to my task at hand. But, The Supervisor is very patient and encouraging with me. It is not the people. I really enjoy working with the office manager and of course Susan, one day a week. It is not even the time. During the day, although I was never at a loss for something to do at home when I was not working, most of the time I can get the routine tasks accomplished. What I hate about working is the weekend and all that there is to do and only two days to get it done....the big things! And yet, the reality of that is this. Whatever is happening on the weekends happens on the weekends anyway and would not be any different if I was not working! Still....for some reason this play with my mind and I feel like there is soooo much to do and no time to do it.

I miss talking with Lizardbreath everyday...or almost everyday. Once I get to work I am so focused on what I am doing that I don't take breaks and rarely eat lunch away from my workstation. Don't get me wrong, it is not that I am not allowed to...that is just the way I am wired. Once I get started on a project...I do not like to quit until it is finished.

Then when I get home, I have been away from the routine of things there and am almost paralyzed by the "being out of the loop", so to speak. No one cares of course, it is just me and trying to adjust to the working world again.

It has been nice having Eve at the house. Although their lives are as busy as ours, especially with the Volleyball Player and her schedule as of late. But Eve is there during the day homeschooling the three youngest and does the laundry and cooking....if any of us is home to be cooked least those are two things I don't have to do. But, if I did have to do them...I could manage.

For instance...right now, I need to clean house....I mean, really the place. But, I have a Women's Ministry tea to go to in about an hour and should be getting ready right now. By the time it is over...I won't want to clean house. Then today, Thor went to Fayetteville for the Bikers, Bar-B-Q, and Bluegrass Festival with the Men's Ministry and although I don't generally enjoy going on bike rides that involve a great deal of highway driving, I kind of considered going,... but had the women's thing I signed up for, committed to and "should" and will go to. And then, one of our Single's, Reba, invited me to go to the Owasso Band Invitational with her tonight to see the band march exhibition. That I will do as well, but it doesn't even start until 10:00 P.M. On top of all that... I need to be reading my Lambs Bible Study book and doing the journal questions and paying bills. None of these take all my time, but they do take some time and together.... they equal all my time. Logically....I will always do something with my why not all these things?

So why does this all mess with my mind? Who knows, but it does. How do men deal with this all the time?!....It just goes to show that God created men and women differently. I doubt that they ever even give things like this a thought.

And what am I doing here writing this when I should be getting ready...or I will be late! I am too busy to blog....Gotta go....Later!

Monday, September 22, 2008

I did It All By Myself...Almost

Today, I soloed! I am sure that the office manager must have told me she would not be in, but I don't remember. The office is usually open on Monday's so I was expecting her to be there, although it really does not effect what I do if she is not. I had a note that asked if I would please answer the store cell phone in case the repairman for the sprinkler that was dripping called. He never did. When I checked my email I found the my supervisor was working from home today due to a stomach bug. I was to call her if I needed any help and she would check on me later. The others where inquiries about requests I had sent out on Thursday and Friday. After writing down information I might need for questions that were sure to come up...I called my supervisor. She told me what to do with the inquiries then continue to work on the project she had given me. When I told her I had finished, she was pleasantly surprised, but not quite prepared to give me the next part of the puzzle. I asked her about something that I had written as a part of the other project that we had not covered. That was all she needed to trigger what needed to be done next. She began to fire off what I needed to do, I wrote as fast as I could and asked as many questions as I needed to clarify. Then I was on my own. I would call if I needed help.

To be honest....I was scared to death. The task seemed daunting. But, not being one to give up or give in, I took a deep breath and told can do this. First of all though I had to decipher my notes so I was sure I knew what I was to do. I was going to be working from two different worksheets and needed to be sure I had things right. So, perfectionist that I am, I rewrote my notes separating the components on each sheet. Then I had more questions for clarification. I called my supervisor again and got my answers, told her of my fears, and she reassured me I would do fine then told me to have at it. Reminding me again that since the project was on my desktop I could not mess it up.

By this time it was close to noon and Thor came by and brought lunch. After we ate and he returned to work....I began. After awhile I was getting the hang of it and worked all afternoon, calling a few times for further answers. Before I knew was time to go home. Tomorrow I should be able to finish this part....I hope.

I am tired...but I do have a sense of at least somewhat knowing what I am doing!

Thursday, September 18, 2008

You Can Do That?!

Here it is 3:00 P.M. and I am home already from work! How cool is that! Today I got in there and started to get everything set up to work. I felt confident in the first part of my assignment...but of course at first I could not get on the Internet site from which I needed to work. So, I called the Techno Nerd and got his mailbox. I left him a message and tried some other things on my own. Then, I decided to call Rock. After all, that is one of the advantages to having a super computer geek for a son-in-law. Not only that, but he works for the same company that I just began working for...just in a different state. Anyway, I called Rock and he asked me questions that I could not answer. He was on the road, so he said he would call me back. While waiting for him to call, I remembered my supervisor told me she had put the website in my favorites. Ya! I could get right to work. When Rock called I was up and running. It was nice to talk with him anyway. He is a good son-in-law and I love him. He takes good care of his mother-in-law even if I do invoke the PICNIC (problem in chair, not in computer) Law quite often. He is always helpful and never makes fun of my stupid mistakes!

I was on a roll. I was finished with that part of the project before noon! Now, I was hoping I could remember just exactly what it was that I was supposed to be doing with the next part. I had taken notes, but hurriedly and did not practice the Excel skills much. I took a deep breath and started in....hey, I did remember. I got started a little slow, hoping and praying I was doing this right. But then I had been told that the "undo" button was my best friend and since I had copied the spreadsheet to my desktop there really was no way to mess it up. My intention was to eat lunch then start the other project, but I didn't. About an hour or so later I was almost finished....then I would eat lunch.

About that time a car pulled up in front and it was Susan's realtor. She and the Square Dancer are looking for an "our" house. The realtor was out of breath and excited. Shortly after Susan came in and was equally excited. She had found a house. While they were doing whatever realtor's do to make an offer on a house, I finished my project. After the realtor left I asked Susan if she had eaten and she said, "No." When I asked her if she wanted to go get something to eat she asked if I wanted to drive through somewhere and she would take me to look at the house she had found. Sure! Let's go.

Well, the house was beautiful and just what they both need and what they both want! I hope it works out. On the drive back to the office she asked me about how the project was going and if she needed to help me with anything. I told her that I had actually finished it while she and the realtor were working on the house papers. She said, "Well, you can go home then." Did I hear her right?! Can you do that...just go home when you are finished? When I asked her that question she asked me if I was finished. I told her yes, and she said, "Go home." Wow, it was true. You can do that!

Workin 9:00 to 5:00...La la la la la la la la

So far work is good. My supervisor is very patient with me. She told me there are no useless questions. That is good to know....because to be quite frank with you....right now I feel pretty ignorant about this new world I have entered.

I remember when I started back to school after 15 years to get my elementary certification and master's in reading. During the first class, sitting among students mostly 15 years my junior, I felt like Charlie Brown when his teacher talks..wa, wa, wa, wa, etc. After that class I was ready to drop out. My professor told me to hang in there, before I knew it I would be familiar with the lingo. And so it was.

Well, that is the way I felt on Monday. I must have looked like I had no idea what she was saying, because she would explain it again in different terms. It did make it better that she is my age and a Christian to boot. By the end of the day she asked me if my head was swimming with all the information I had been given.

Of course the first day was primarily just an orientation and setting up of all the one hundred billion sites, user names, and passwords you have to know to access all the places your information is stored. (Yes, Rock, I said "one hundred billion"! ) When I finally learned to get around on the computer and was given my was mid-afternoon! And we won't even go into the prank calls I received!

The second day I got there, made my way through the maze of information to get to where I needed, just got ready to work.. and suddenly my computer screen started talking to me. "Do you have the time for me to set up Log Me In and Instant Message?" Of course I did. I had to have those to stay in touch with my supervisor, who today was at the main office and not with me at mine. And if I hadn't I don't think there would have been much I could have done to prevent it anyway. It was interesting to watch as the Techno Nerd took over the screen and navigated through the process. But of course it is never as simple as it sounds, so after several a good while the programs were up and running. The computer screen asked me if he could do anything else for me. I asked him how he made that notepad thing appear on my computer and if I could do the same so I could talk with my supervisor that way. He said, "No, it was something he did." I had to laugh, and told him that he and the Rock had an unfair advantage over the rest of us. He agreed. After lunch, I was able to get back to my project....and I am happy to say I was able to complete at least one part of it, although the office was busy. Who knew that a tax office could be so busy on the off season!

On Wednesday the office was quiet, I knew where I was going, how to get there, and got finished with my first project! Ya! Success!!! I called my supervisor to tell her and she was on the phone and would call me to give me my next project. I waited....and about five minutes to closing she called to say she would call me in the morning....go home. So I did.

Today, I did nothing I had done before so people were talking gibberish to me again, but Susan was there today so she helped when I got stuck. By the end of the day I was once again back on track with success but not completion....she told me to get used to that. Tomorrow I should be able to complete the assigned tasks.....I hope. Anyway, this job is not going to be boring...and I am going to learn a lot. But I don't mind telling you it is a bit perplexing...why would anyone want me to work in the accounting office of a multi-million dollar business!! When I say that, they laugh and will be fine.

So far working 9:00-5:00 has been good. And, Lizardbreath and the Bohemian will be glad to know I am learning how to use the Ctrl C and Ctrl V keys to copy and paste!

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Theraputic Cleaning

Today, I clean! That was my goal and I made it. Yesterday I did absolutely NOTHING! And while it was nice to be able to do did not get my dirty house clean.

Since all of my family had been here I had cleaned before they came and so it was not at bad as it could have been. But the kitchen, where the hub of "all things happening" is, had taken quite a hit. I tried to ignore it, after all it was straight, nothing on the counter and dishes washed in the dishwasher, but the floor where all the spills and splatters had been wiped up haunted me. Granted, my automatic floor cleaning system, more commonly known as Sophie and Sadie had done their jobs so there was no food but those tell tale smudges got to me. So, this morning I decided I had to clean house. After all, I am going back to work on Monday and can't do it then! Also, The Trainer told me last evening that Eve and the three youngest in the family of boarders that are currently residing with us will probably be coming on Monday to stay. So, If another woman is going to be working in my kitchen I cannot let her find it dirty now can I?!

I cleaned the refrigerator, inside and out, top to bottom. No more science projects now. Then the stove...even removed the bottom drawer and discovered some broken glass and an over abundance of dog hair...EEEEWWWWW! Finally, the pantry and cabinets. Swept and mopped the kitchen and entryway and now my kitchen is clean enough to eat off the floor....just ask Sophie and Sadie! No....wait, they eat off of it anyway. Well, you will just have to take my word for it.

From there I dusted every leaf on all of my artificial plants, and almost decided I don't need artificial plants anymore...what a job. Finally, I dusted the rest of the house and vaccuumed the "fur"niture and floors. I would have mopped my bathroom and utility room, but it began to rain. And when it rains for some reason the dogs feel it necessary to go in and out of the house all day long tracking wet muddy paws through the utility room. With that going on there is no reason to even try to mop that area so I just swept it.

I actually like to clean. Most people think Iam crazy, but it is theraputic for me and I love the sense of accomplishment when I am finished. And in this case....since I am going back to work on Monday, it could not be a better time for Eve to come and stay for good...or at least until they find a house of their own.. and if she is going to be the one at home all day long, the least I can do is start her out with a clean house!

Friday, September 12, 2008

Hi Ho, Hi Ho It's Off to Work I Go!

Life as I know it today, is about to come to an end....and I am about to embark upon yet another new adventure in the many chapters of my life. After six years of retirement I am going back to work.

This venture is taking place solely to pay off our house. God has been good to us, and had we been really wise with our provisions, the house probably could probably have been paid off when I was teaching. happens and hindsight is always better than foresight, so I am going back to work with the full intention of devoting every penny made to paying off the mortgage. If our calculations are right it should take about 30 months on what I will be paid starting out and less as I receive raises in my pay.

Everyone keeps asking what I will be doing and where. Well, I will be working at the Jackson Hewett office in Owasso. That is about 3 minutes from the house. At first I thought I would be working from home, but we decided yesterday that this would be better for everyone involved. And that is fine with me. At least I don't have to drive to 71st and Lewis! Next, and this is the part that blows my mind....I can work as little or as much as I choose. Now, I am not sure what you do with that option really. I love the idea of being able to decide that, but I never want to take advantage of a lifelong friendship. But the bottom line is this.. Susan has been trying to get me to work for her for EVER, and when I told her I would she said she was just happy to have someone she knew she could count on, would work, work hard, and give 110% at whatever the task at hand. That brings me to the "what" I will be doing. I will be the assistant the person in the main accounting office who does everything in the accounting office that does NOT pertain to ACCOUNTING. I used to laugh when Susan asked me to work for her. She knows how I am with numbers and I did not understand how you could work in an accounting office without working with numbers. About three years ago I had a taste of that when she called and begged me to work for her for just two months getting new buys set up. So now I know. The reality of it is this...I may do something different everyday. Then during the peak of the season I will more than likely assist in the office with greeting customers, having them sign on the dotted line and distributing refunds.

So, I have my key, my destination, and will receive my first assignment Monday morning at 9:00.

One of the best things about this is that I will get to work at least one day a week with Susan. She is after all my best friend. And for that reason she has chosen NOT to be my supervisor (although whether she knows it or not, she is the BIG BOSS. The company is owned by one of her younger brothers, but she is the oldest of six siblings and the BIG SISTER). She has been debating whether or not to work from the Owasso office, since she lives here now with her new hubby, the Square Dancer. I have tried to convince her that she should work from here all the time now that they have the new Peachtree system up and running.....and so due to a strike with Boeing (The Square Dancer works for Spirit, an airline company associated with Boeing) she is working on Thursdays in Owasso to accommodate his schedule.

She told me yesterday that she may end up doing just that, since it seems that all of the houses they have been looking at are here, even though the "better deals" seem to be else where, but keep falling through. She accused me of praying for her to live and work here and using my influence with the Lord to make it happen! I was shocked...OK, not really. I openly admitted it. After all...we have been trying for at least 29 years to live in the same town and attend the same church. Of course the whole working part was not a part of the dream.....but I will take what I can get!

Thursday, September 11, 2008


Normally I am a person who has things in order. But what do you do when you are on overload? I have just spent the most glorious weekend with my family. Both of my children and their families were here for the weekend to help celebrate a very special day in the life of Thor. It was great! But it all came to an end as quickly as it began.

The festivities were over on Sunday night and on Monday morning by 10:30 everyone was gone, the beds were stripped and remade and the laundry was in full bore.

We had a luncheon at the church at noon and I was there by 11:30. That was over at 1:30 and there were still clean-up details from the night before to be done. Once home with all the "things" that had been taken to the church, they of course had to be put back where they belonged, all the while still doing the laundry. There was a mountain of trash that had to be bagged and put out to be picked up and I ran out of trash bags. A neighbor was good enough to allow me to dump my trash can from the garage into her dumpster and while in the process of doing that our family of boarders returned from their weekend stay with another family.

Once back at the house after helping them get settled in again, I still needed to take Thor's suit to the cleaners and since I was going that direction I took the 16yr. old to the golf course and picked up the 14yr. old up from volleyball practice. Mom and the three youngest were headed back to OKC and where gone when I returned.

In the hour I had before visitation I cooked supper and folded clothes and put in another load to wash. Then it was off to the church. After our visit we had a time of light snacks and report back time.

Finally home for the evening, one more load of clothes to fold then I went to bed. I barely remember my head hitting the pillow.

Tuesday and Wednesday were equally as busy and today I went and filled out papers for the new job I will begin on Monday...that alone was another overload. So much has happened in a comparatively short time that my mind, emotions, and body are having trouble keeping up.

My daughter-in-law asked me in an email when life gets back to normal? I had to laugh! When I was younger I used to ask that question, only to conclude later that whatever this was my normal. But there are times when so much happens I almost have to remind myself to breathe. I just want to lay down and sleep!

Gotta run...the volleyball game is over and the crew brought in pizza and cookie dough that needs to be cooked.

Ah happens....just remember to breathe.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008


Andrae Crouch

How can I say thanks, for the things You have done for me?

Things so undeserved, yet You give to prove Your love for me.

The voices of a million angels, could not express my gratitude,

All that I am or ever hope to be...I owe it all to Thee.

To God be the Glory,

To God be the Glory,

To God be the Glory,

For the things He has done!

My heart is full to overflowing! And the portion of words to the above song keep ringing through my head. This past weekend our church family honored us for Thor's 25 years of faithful service to Bethel Baptist Church in Owasso, Oklahoma. And it was quite a celebration!

Thor first surrendered to the ministry at the age of 16. His first churches were part-time positions as music and/or youth minister. These churches were: Southside Baptist Church in Stilwater, Southside Baptist Church in Tahlequah, then Trinity Baptist Church in Claremore. It was while attending Northeastern State University in Tahlequah, majoring in Music and serving at Trinity in Claremore as music and youth minister that I met and married Thor. He had enlisted in the army so it was off to Ft. Bragg in Fayetteville, NC. Here he served as a Chaplin's assistant and also had a part-time position at Trinity Baptist Church in Fayetteville as music minister. After he got out of the army Thor got his first full-time church at Barnsdall, OK as music and youth minister. From there he went to Plainview Baptist Church in Tulsa, OK as music and youth minister, First Baptist Church in Stroud, OK as music and youth minister, and finally Bethel Baptist Church in Owasso.

Thor was originally hired as Minister of Music and Youth. After a few years the church had grown so that we needed both a music minister and youth minister. Thor was asked to do the music. He served as music minister for 16 years. The church then wanted to start a singles ministry and felt that Thor was the one for the task so he was then titled Minister of Singles and Sr. Adults (he always worked with Sr. Adults at every other church, but this was the first time he was given the official title). In June, the church found itself in need of a music minister again and asked Thor to take that position as well as his other duties. His official title now is Minister of Music, Singles, and Sr. Adults. He has many responsibilities to go with his many hats and at times jokingly says, "Ministry is my life!" But the truth of it is....ministry is his life.

Thor is 57. He has been a minister for 40 years. Ministry is his life. It is what God has called him to do....and he is good at it! Few people realize what a minister does. Most people think ministers work on Sundays and Wednesdays and have no idea what they do with the rest of their time. Well, let me say is a full-time, 24/7 ministry to others. If done correctly it is a selfless profession given totally in service to others. Sometimes it can be thankless, frustrating, and heartbreaking, sometimes it is joy filled and rewarding, but all of the time it is an opportunity to be obedient to the Lord, trusting His heart when you don't understand, and maturing through the process of growth in the midst of trials.

At our church Thor is the "go to man". When someone needs something....they call on Thor. They know he does not know this word....."No."

I am very proud of Thor. We have been married for 35 years. He is my best friend, a loving husband, a wonderful Daddy and tremendous Grandpa. He is a good son and brother and you won't find a better friend. When we were dating I knew that he had been called to the ministry, as a matter of fact, I knew that God had called me to be a minister's wife, so although I can't say I knew what to expect...I knew that whatever it was that God had in store for us...ultimately it would be good....and it has been. There have been times Thor has lamented the fact that he can't give me all he wants me to have, but I have more than I need.... and want. And I can honestly say that I am content with the life that God has given us together. We love each other, and are happy....what more could you ask for?!

As I count my blessings I think of how good God has been to us. He has given both Thor and me wonderful Christian parents who love and serve The Lord and taught us how to as well. He gave us brothers and sisters that love and support us and each other. He has given us two wonderful children, our daughter, Lizardbreath, who is married to The Rock and have four beautiful children: The Professor (8), The Princess (6), The Warrior (3) and Baby J (1), and our son, The Bohemian, who is married to The Busy Bee and have two beautiful boys: Mr. Golden Curls (4) and Lil' Spitfire (2). Our children love The Lord and serve Him. There can be no greater blessing to parents than to have their children love and serve The Lord and rear their children to do the same. God has given us a church family that loves us and a beautiful home that we have the privilege to share with others when needed and even given us two cute little doggies: Sophie and Sadie...and two granddogs: Maya and Roxie. God supplies every tiny detail of life for our enjoyment. He loves us that much! I am thankful that He loves me and He is faithful even when I am not. Again! My heart is overwhelmed with his wondrous grace and mercy.

This weekend as I watched my family interact with each other talking and laughing, teasing and playing, hugging and kissing, and at times even having to discipline their children in love I felt a since of humility and honor to have been so blessed of God.

Then on Sunday morning to hear my son and his Daddy sing "How Great Thou Art", I thought my heart would burst with the sense of God's presence. That night The Bohemian sang "Be Still My Soul" and accompanied himself on the piano. Both of these songs to the Lord brought tears to my eyes and joy to my heart.

Then as the church family came through a reception line and greeted us with congratulations and remembrances followed by a time of even more words of kindness and accolades it was almost more than I could bear. And to top it off we were given an all expense paid trip to Hawaii!!

There are not enough words to express what I feel in my heart! Just the words of the song "MY TRIBUTE that keep ringing in my head:

How can I say thanks for the things You have done for me,

Things so undeserved, yet You give to prove your love for me.

The voices of a million angels could not express my gratitude,

All that I am or ever hope to be....I owe it all to Thee.

To God be the Glory,

To God be the Glory,

To God be the Glory,

For the things He has done!

Thursday, August 28, 2008

OK, Now I Forgot.....Oh, Now I Remember!

I love that the creators of these blog things try to keep us up to date on the latest and try to make things better all the time....BUT, because of the new changes in the format I have had the hardest time just trying to get started with this blog entry. Every time I would push a button the screen would fade several shades and freeze up! This happened about three times and by the time I finally got it to where I could at least write....I had forgotten the inspiration for my entry! AAARRRGGGGHHHH!

Oh yes. I went to The Busy Bee's blog and read her entry about her parent's new car. They bought one of those Smart Cars. It is so cute! I remember when Volkswagens came out. They were all the rage and everyone talked about how small they were and had the engine in the rear and the trunk in the front! And they were inexpensive...then....they were inexpensive. As a matter-of-fact they were so inexpensive, "I" could have bought one easily. I was after all a hairdresser making good money, just a Senior in High School and living at home with no other expenses. I had never even considered such a thing as owning my own car.

You have to understand I grew up in the 50's and 60's. My Moma did not work outside the home and did not drive. My Daddy worked as a cook for a boarding school three miles outside of town and was gone from early morning until late afternoon when he took a short break only to return and go back until around 7:00 in the evening. We lived three blocks from the main street of town and our church. I was within walking distance of is what I did....walk. The only thing I could have possibly "needed" a car for was to drag main.

Now, for those of you too young to know what that is where you get as many of your friends in the car as your possibly can and drive a specified route around the town and wave and honk at your other friends doing the same thing, stopping only at the two places, one on either end, to get something to eat or drink and visit with your friends. In Tahlequah (tal e qua), which is where I grew up, our drag was around the Sonic, which sat at one end of town, down the four lane, turn left on main street to the street that lead up to the Rhode's drive inn. Around the drive in and back the same way around the Sonic and back again. (Now, don't ask me the name of the street, in small towns you don't mess with such trivialities, you go by landmarks. We all knew which street it was! Oh, and the Rhode's drive in was not the name of the drive in....the Rhodes' were the people who owned the drive in). Anyway, you would get on course and round and round you went! It was great fun!

But, even then, as I said, when you did drag main you took as many of your friends with you in your car as you possibly could so I could usually go with someone else dragging main.

One day my younger older brother, George Jefferson Kilpatrick the III Custom Deluxe Esquire ....(you will have to have either the Bohemian or Lizardbreath to finish his other eleventy thousand names for you, and you should, I think it takes about a full minute to say it...which is why I am not going to write it all here) ANYWAY....Neh, as I call him, says to me. "You should buy one of those Volkswagens. You could you know." Well, he got me to thinking about it and I did the research on the cost and decided to buy one. I told my Moma and Daddy and my older sister and they were all agreeable. It was as good as oldest brother, Seaweed, who was in the Navy and off in some foreign port at the time, told my parentst that Volkswagens were unsafe. He was in a foreign port after all, he should know. He said it would be like driving a tomato can down the street. Well, that was all it took. If Seaweed said it was unsafe, then it must be! Thanks a lot Seaweed! So...that was the end of my getting a Volkswagen.

After that I never even considered getting another car. I would just drive the family car. A 19?? Mercury Comet, fondly called "The Vomit" due to it's many endearing qualities, such as, the door on the drivers side was green while the rest of the car was ah sil...ah gra...ah rus...never mind, it was a car of a different color. And as you might expect, since the door was a different color it no longer latched and had a rope tied to the inside arm rest that had to be held by the passenger to keep it from swinging open. The horn did not work. That is unless the car was in park or you were turning left. The blinkers did not work, which allowed you to practice your hand and arm signals little known today, although it could be cold or wet upon occasions. And the heater did not work. And....what? Air conditioner? What is that? (I was told later it had a four-25 model, that is all four windows down, driving 25 miles an hour). Anyway, the Vomit would work just fine. And it did. It got me from A to B and could hold lots of friends. Of course it's availability was limited. It could even be very entertaining at times. And the great thing about the Vomit was, who would know if you dented or scratched it! Come to think of was the perfect car for a new driver.

Well, so I walked to and from school, uphill both ways, in the snow a foot deep with the North wind blowing in my face with bread sacks on my feet wait....that was my, that was me. Anywho.....I either walked or hitched a ride upon occasion but I always got where I wanted to go.

Then one day I came walking down the street and saw a strange car sitting in the driveway. It was a very large, brand new, white, 1969 Chevrolet Biscayne. It had genuine vinyl interior and standard on the column. Who did that belong to? Turned out it was ours! WOW...A brand new car! No dents, all one color, heater and air conditioner! Amazing! Wait a minute....I don't know how to drive a standard!

I had been driving my boyfriend's car. See, while my boyfriend had a car, he was not old enough to drive it yet. He was 8mos. younger than I and did not have his license yet. Daddy didn't like it that I was driving his car, so if I was going to drive. I had to drive our car. I had a date that night and if we were going in a car it would be our car, not his. But, I didn't know how to drive a standard! SO...Daddy took me across the street to the parking lot of the church and gave me a 15 minute lesson on how to drive a stick, then took me for a drive. WAS HE KIDDING! Was he really going to turn me loose with a brand new car, with a stick shift I had had a 15 minute lesson on followed by a 5 minute drive? Yes, ladies and gentlemen he was...did. But, THAT is a whole other story!

So, back to the original purpose for writing this entry. The "little" Smart Car is cute. And I saw one today parked next to a Mini Cooper that made it look even smaller. They say the gas mileage in them is great! I am happy for The Busy Bee's parents, (and for further entertainment value, be sure you read the newspaper article and comments), and can't wait to see it in person and sit in it. It is the latest in "small" cars just like the Volkswagen was in the 60's. And the engine is in the back just like the Volkswagen......but where is the trunk?!

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Where is Everyone!

Everyday I go to my daughter's blog site and wonder...."Where is everyone?" I know she is busy with four children of her own and babysitting for another...ages 8,6,3, 3, and 1. And I know she is homeschooling, nursing, and trying to do laundry and keep house. But, where is she? The last time she made a blog entry was weeks ago! Then I go to my daughter-in-law's website and wonder....."Where is everyone?" I know she is busy with two very active boys, ages 4 and 2. And I know she just moved into a new house and is trying to get settled in. But, where is she? The last time she made a blog entry was weeks ago! So, today my daughter called me and I called The Busy Bee and talked. They are busy. I know that. Still....I go to their blog sites and wonder. dawned on me. I have a blog and when was the last time I made an entry? So, here I am. Now, when I get finished I will be writing about everything I have already told my two daughters....but then there may be others out there who are wondering...."Where is everyone?"

We have a family of eight living with us part-time and full-time. The Dad....What did I name him?...and the three oldest children are here all the time. Dad has a new job and the children are going to school. Mom, I called her Eve, is back in the town from which they are moving trying to sell the house, homeschooling the three youngest children, and taking care of the dogs. Now, having just gone through the same kind of senerio with my son and his family....I feel their pain! Eve and the three younger ones come on the weekend and stay through Monday.

Last Monday I had the pleasure of keeping the younger ones while Eve went house hunting. Actually there was very little "keeping" about the whole thing. I was going to be home anyway, mowing and doing everyday stuff and thought the kids would rather stay here with me rather than go looking at houses...and yes they would.... so they did. After I was all through with "my chores" as Thor calls them, and showered. I thought the kiddos might like to go to the park. We have a very nice, very LARGE park not far from the house and they had been so good to play all morning without so much as one little least so far as I could tell. These kids are Q_U_I_E_T. You know as in shhhhh. Since there is very little of that around here I am not sure if I would know when they were fighting or not...come to think of it. Anyway...they said they would love to go to the park. I also gave them the option of going to get something to eat, eating here, or taking a picnic lunch with us to the park. Little eight year old Abbie told her brothers, along with me, that they did not need to "go" get something to eat. They could eat here...then go to the park. Something about the exchange made me think that she was echoing something she had been taught or at the very least used to being the one to make these kinds of decisions. Either way neither of the boys protested, but agreed.

After lunch off we went to the park. They had a great time playing...and a great day for it. It was overcast and not too hot. All I did was sit and watch the antics of three children that were used to playing outside and with each other. It was fun watching them, but I will have to admit I wished my own grandchildren were there as well to join in the fun. After an hour or so and with all the running, swinging, sliding, digging, climbing, and a vigorous game of their version of hide-and-go-seek (which had kind of a "tag" twist to it, almost like the kick-the-can games we played as children) they were hot and thirsty. There was a Hawaiian Ice stand sitting on the parking lot and Mason, the 6 yr. old , spotted it the minute we entered the parking lot coming into the park. He had made a comment about it and almost immediately Abbie informed him he did not "need" and icy. So, it was dropped. They tried to get a drink from the fountain...but it did not work. And now they were thirsty and needed some refreshment. And being the grandmother that I am...I thought they "needed" an icy. was closed. So we went to every Hawaiin Ice stand I knew about, only to find them all closed...I guess for the season. So, it was off to the Sonic....and Happy Hour. When I asked what they wanted they asked if they could have any kind they wanted. Of course I said, "Yes." So here came the concoctions. And what about size? Any size. Even LARGE! "Yes." And large it was....all around.

The thing with the drinks reminded me of something that happened when I was a child probably no older than six. We did not get treats out often, but when we did our Daddy would buy us the biggest one we wanted. And "back in the olden days", big WAS big. Our favorite treat to buy was an ice cream cone. Now you have to understand. At our house when you ate a big ice cream cone you did not use a matter-of-fact you did not even drip! Daddy taught us how to eat an ice cream cone and it was a point of pride to eat it without one single drip....and no matter how big the ice cream cone was! We went to visit our cousins in a nearby town and took one of my brother's friends with us. He announced that on the way back he was going to buy us a treat at the Dairy Queen. Man oh man! We could hardly wait for the trip back. The anticipation of that great big ice cream was hardly more than we could bear. Well, when we got to the Dairy Queen my brother's friend ordered and when we stepped up to get our ice cream we were handed the dinkiest little bit of an ice cream cone you have ever seen. Talk about disappointed, but.... we did not show it or say anything other than "Thank you", and acted like it was the best ice cream ever. It was good, just not "much" good. After we took my brother's friend home our Daddy must have known how disappointed we were because he took us straight to the Dairy Queen and got us a BIG ice cream cone. He told us he was proud of us for not saying anything. That my brother's friend did a nice thing and if we had said anything it would have hurt my brother's friend's feelings and Daddy and Moma would have been disappointed with us. And to show his appreciation for our conduct the ice cream was our reward. I believe it was that day that I learned about how good manners pay off.

These children obviously have been taught not to ask for, or expect people to buy things for them. And coming from a family of six children there may not be many opportunities for treats. But it was fun buying them a treat and allowing them to get what they wanted. And their parents would have been very proud to know that each one of them told me "Thank you for taking us to the park to play...and for the drink!"

That evening as Eve was getting ready to return home and take the three youngest with her, I heard the children say to her. "Mom, can't we stay here? We had fun today. We don't want to go home." Of course they did leave, but at least I know that when they do come back to stay until they find a house to buy here, they will be happy staying here.

Today as I talked with my daughters on the phone I was reminded of how much I miss my family when they are not here. Our house was always busy while our two children were growing up. They were active in school, with band, choir, and church activities. Their friends were always at our house and we really enjoyed it. It was the same during their college years and for three years Lizardbreath and Rock lived with us, like the Waltons, along with the Professor, the Princess, and the Warrior. And since they have moved to Texas they have added another arrow to the quiver and Baby J will be a year old on September 5th! This summer we have had Mr. Golden Curls and the Lil' Spitfire quite a bit while the Bohemian and The Busy Bee were trying to sell their house or at least rent it, get packed and moved to Hot Springs. This summer has been a swirl of activity and while the activity has not slowed much, our two children and their families both now live five hours away, in opposite directions and we just don't get to see them as often as we would like. Having these other children in our home has made me homesick for my own children and grandchildren while allowing me to relive moments of the past with school and activities.

So when I say, "Where is everyone?", what I mean is, I love you, I miss you, and I wish you were here. But since you can't be....make a blog entry! And I will try to do better as well.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

The First Day of School!

Do you remember your first day of school? I do. I loved school, and from the time I was three or so I wanted to go to school. As a matter-of-fact my senior English teacher lived across the street from me and had a private Kindergarten when I was three. She said I used to sit on her front porch and beg her to let me go to school! And when I was kindergarten age you had to pay to go to kindergarten, they did not have kindergarten in the I did not get to go to kindergarten because of lack of funds to do so. By the time I was old enough to go to first grade I was so ready I surely drove my Moma crazy with anticipation!

As I got older my love for school never dwindled. I still love school. I would go back today and get my doctorate if I felt the cost could be justified just for the sheer satisfaction of saying I had my doctorate and my children having to call me Dr. Mom!

I taught school for ten years and I loved getting ready for the students to arrive and I don't think I ever really lost that "idealistic" thinking of what school would be like for the students as well as myself as their teacher. Sometimes I miss it, other times I am glad to be out of the politics of know....the place where "ideals" die. Overall, I believe every child can learn and loves to learn and can have fun doing so.

Anyway, today was the first day of school for three of the six children living in my home right now. I say children.....these young people are 16, 14, and 12. They have been homeschooled and attended public school for the first time today. I asked them if they were ready and two of them were, while the third was a bit apprehensive. That is understandable. I mean, they have just moved here from another city, attending another church, living in someone else's house, and attending school for the very first ages 12, 14, and 16.

It was daunting for me to think about and I prayed hard for them today. I can't imagine at their age undertaking such a task. Life at their age is hard enough without being the new kid at school and new to school. But kids are resillient and when they came home they said they had a good time. I am glad. I want them to like school and be well accepted.

And...since it has been 1995 since I actually had any kids in school.....I forgot how hungry they are when they arrive back home!

I guess I better go fix supper, growing boys don't last long on snacks....girls either!

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

And Then There Were Six...No Ten...No Six!

People tease us about our house having a revolving door. What they mean is....we have a great deal of company! And we do.

Two years ago Lizardbreath and the Rock ran off with my grandchildren and left Thor and I all alone in this great big house! Since then we have had more than enough room to house various guests for various reasons for various lengths of time.

Our latest occupants number six when all of them are here on weekends and four during the week. Our church has recently called a Minister to Students and he and his family are staying with us. I will call him, the Body Builder. First of all, he has been a trainer in the past, but now, not only is he that physical kind of body builder, but he is also helping our church build the body of Christ as he works with our Youth and College Students. His wife, I will call, Eve, for not only is she the mother of six, but she is a helpmate to the Body Builder.

The Body Builder and Eve have six wonderful children. They range in age from 6 to 16, two years apart from the next and when standing in chronological order...perfect stair steps. There are four boys and two girls. The girls are #2 and #5 in the lineup. Since I have only been acquainted with them for a short time I can only refer to them by their ages until I learn their personalities. I can say that all of these children are well behaved, well mannered, and get along with each other well. I am looking forward to getting to know this family better as the days go by.

But, for now, I can tell you that Eve and I work well together in the house and have much in common. Although she could actually be my daughter...had I married at 16. She too is a hairdresser and wife of a minister and we can talk pretty much non-stop when we are around one another.

I hope they are able to sell their house in OKC quickly so we can be a constant eight for a little while before they find another house in Owasso to call home!

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Let's Try This AGAIN!!!!

Okay, I may be a Baby Boomer, but I like to think of myself as willing to try out this new technology stuff...and succeed. But just trying to add an entry to this new blog of mine has been an exercise in futility. I can manage to get the text written, but getting it posted with the ability to receive comments and have the date where it belongs is something else. This should be a "no-brainer" process, right?! Well, I haven't found it to be so. Hopefully, this time will be different and everything will be as it should be....we will see.


For those of you who are too young to remember....this is all Doogie Houser's fault...all this blogging! Doogie Houser was young doctor, just a boy really. He graduated from High School at too young an age and then attended medical school graduating at the top of his class. But genius had nothing to do with how he related to the world socially so he suffered the same things that "normal" teenagers did. He would come home from his work at the hospitol and put his words to computer keys and keep track of his daily thoughts and happenings much like most teenagers did in diaries or journals. we are.

I have been contemplating this blog thing for awhile, but just today finally decided to make it a reality.

Much of life is changing right now, so why not try some new things along with all the other changes.

I don't really like change very much. They say that becomes more common the older you get, and I suppose it is true. I like routine, status quo, the way things used to be. And yet, one of my favorite quotes is, "If you always do what you always did, you will always get what you always got!" That means if you don't want what you always have to change!

So, change we do. Right now, Thor, the love of my life, is going through change on his job. What he is doing he has done before, but not for almost a decade. At first, when he told me he felt like an old dinosaur and would have to learn "how to" all over again I thought he was being silly. Until I was interviewing for jobs after 16 years and had to learn "how to" all over again. He was not being silly at all. He was being honest. There is a great deal of difference in approaching a task when you are fresh out of college and ready to take on the world idealistically and doing so when you are aware of reality. But...I am happy to say, Thor has come through with flying colors, as I knew he would, and doing a great his "new" old job!

Our son, the Bohemian, has just taken a new job assignment in a new town. He has been struggling with living without his family until they can sell their house or at least rent it and move to his new location with him. It has been difficult and is getting really tiresome after five months. But, there does seem to be some parting of the clouds. The Bohemian, the Busy Bee, Mr. Golden Curls, and the Lil' Spitfire are all looking forward to the one change that will bring them all under one roof!

Our daughter, Lizardbreath, and her husband, the Rock have just returned home after being gone for nearly a month attending a business convention in Nevada and visiting Thor and I in Oklahoma. Today they are having a Princess Birthday Party for The Princess. She will be six on Tuesday! That does not seem possible. And yet another change is occuring....we are not able to be there! This is the first birthday we have missed for any of our 6 grandchildren....and I hope it will be the last. But gas prices and the fact that I will be leaving for Colorado with Tickle Sister on Tuesday made the trip impractical, especially since they were just here last week. But, we called her today and the Princess said it was alright, she got the present we sent her.

Well, time for another change. I must leave this computer and go keep Thor company....I know he is just waiting for me to add conversation and comments to his television viewing pleasure.....What?!