Thursday, November 13, 2008

Where Oh Where Has My Grandma Gone!

OK, I admit it. I have been out of the loop for awhile now. The Busy Bee even accused me of falling into a black hole. Well, not quite...I just went to work. Now for some people that is a simplistic statement, but for me it was like having my first job...all over again. I am truly enjoying it now that I kind of have the swing of it. I mean...I am getting used to being trained for a different job everyday now. I just feel sorry for my poor supervising trainer who has to put up with my blank looks and endless questions. Then there are the never-ending questions I have to ask to clarify that what she said is what she really means. And since I work remotely from one office through another about 20 miles away voice expression is non-existent over IM and availability is not always possible. This week I spent two days in Tulsa working at the main office simply because my supervisor is overwhelmed with her load of work. She was overwhelmed to begin with....that is why they hired me in the first help her. But since I started work in September two people in the main office have taken positions elsewhere and now her workload has increased by another 100%. That, plus this is the beginning of tax season and our office is responsible for getting this 200 store multi-million dollar business ready for season. Sooooo......I have been a little busy.

I got a call from one of my grandsons the other night. His papa said he had been saying he really missed Grandma and wanted to visit. He called and talked and it did me good...I hope it did him. I miss all my grandchildren....and my children terribly right now. I will be glad when the holidays get here so crunch time will be over for me and I can visit with my family.

I asked him how he liked his new house and his answer was this. "Well, actually, since we have already moved in...I guess I might as well." I could just see those big green eyes and blond curls, that earnest look on his little angel face while he was talking. Then the Lil' Spitfire got on and talked ninety to nothing, loud and long and was gone as quickly as he had come.

So the answer to the question is this. Grandma went work...but I am always only a phone call away...oh and by the way....I just got a new cell phone! And by the way's pink!


Sunny said...

I'm glad you didn't fall into a black hole :) And the phone call did help your grand babies but we can't wait for our Christmas visit!

Sarah said...



For those of you who are too young to remember....this is all Doogie Houser's fault...all this blogging! Doogie Houser was young doctor, just a boy really. He graduated from High School at too young an age and then attended medical school graduating at the top of his class. But genius had nothing to do with how he related to the world socially so he suffered the same things that "normal" teenagers did. He would come home from his work at the hospitol and put his words to computer keys and keep track of his daily thoughts and happenings much like most teenagers did in diaries or journals. we are.

I have been contemplating this blog thing for awhile, but just today finally decided to make it a reality.

Much of life is changing right now, so why not try some new things along with all the other changes.

I don't really like change very much. They say that becomes more common the older you get, and I suppose it is true. I like routine, status quo, the way things used to be. And yet, one of my favorite quotes is, "If you always do what you always did, you will always get what you always got!" That means if you don't want what you always have to change!

So, change we do. Right now, Thor, the love of my life, is going through change on his job. What he is doing he has done before, but not for almost a decade. At first, when he told me he felt like an old dinosaur and would have to learn "how to" all over again I thought he was being silly. Until I was interviewing for jobs after 16 years and had to learn "how to" all over again. He was not being silly at all. He was being honest. There is a great deal of difference in approaching a task when you are fresh out of college and ready to take on the world idealistically and doing so when you are aware of reality. But...I am happy to say, Thor has come through with flying colors, as I knew he would, and doing a great his "new" old job!

Our son, the Bohemian, has just taken a new job assignment in a new town. He has been struggling with living without his family until they can sell their house or at least rent it and move to his new location with him. It has been difficult and is getting really tiresome after five months. But, there does seem to be some parting of the clouds. The Bohemian, the Busy Bee, Mr. Golden Curls, and the Lil' Spitfire are all looking forward to the one change that will bring them all under one roof!

Our daughter, Lizardbreath, and her husband, the Rock have just returned home after being gone for nearly a month attending a business convention in Nevada and visiting Thor and I in Oklahoma. Today they are having a Princess Birthday Party for The Princess. She will be six on Tuesday! That does not seem possible. And yet another change is occuring....we are not able to be there! This is the first birthday we have missed for any of our 6 grandchildren....and I hope it will be the last. But gas prices and the fact that I will be leaving for Colorado with Tickle Sister on Tuesday made the trip impractical, especially since they were just here last week. But, we called her today and the Princess said it was alright, she got the present we sent her.

Well, time for another change. I must leave this computer and go keep Thor company....I know he is just waiting for me to add conversation and comments to his television viewing pleasure.....What?!